The Anil Sharma - Sunny Deol combo, which created magic with GADAR, has teamed up yet again. The film-maker, who delivered a success in APNE in the intervening period, is planning an entertainer with Sunny in the lead and it's called SINGH SAHAB THE GREAT. "The film with Deols [Dharmendra, Sunny, Bobby], an entirely different project, will commence later," Sharma clarifies at the very outset, "SINGH SAHAB THE GREAT is with Sunny alone."
The film-maker has signed the writer of GADAR, Shaktimaan, to pen the screenplay of SINGH SAHAB THE GREAT. "It took me two years to lock this amazing script. In fact, I wish to state that it will be a landmark film in my career, like HUKUMAT and GADAR were," Sharma beams confidently. He plans to begin filming SINGH SAHAB THE GREAT in a few months from now.